I was in there for an hour today and was ready to commit murder, god knows how you have coped since November you ruddy saints!

  1. I don’t work there but I work in retail and would like him to sod off. I hate how he doesn’t actually sing, he just talks with a slight melody, it’s like he’s reciting some poetry he’s written and it’s shite poetry at that. He sounds like drunk Terry Wogan reading out his shopping list.

  2. I don’t work at Asda, but can confirm that your scale ending at 10 is not nearly high enough for me.

  3. Different supermarket but DESPISE him

    Hated him enough but saw the compilation videos of him being really dodgy with his wife and now I’m just waiting for the headlines to start before he’s banned off our Christmas sound tracks

  4. Not him but I used to work at home bargains and every hour Jemma Collins used to come on and tell us to be “purf with surf honey”, god I hate her now

  5. True story friend of a friend’s fiancé went to a Bubble concert around 2008ish , Bubble took a liking to her and they did the dirty . Needless to say they split up once he found out , he would of seen the ring on her finger blokes a POS .

  6. Anyone else have issues with getting shit catchy songs stuck in their head? Christmas is the worst time of year for us lol.

    I’ll be singing I just haven’t met you yet for the next 4 months whilst simultaneously tearing my hair out

  7. I’d like to hear the tannoy announcements treated to the same level of autotune as Buble’s vocals.

  8. Employees in supermarkets should be getting treatment for PTSD. The awful Christmas music must drive them insane. As a customer, I quickly grab my items and get the hell out of there.

  9. Personally if a shop is playing Christmas music I leave as soon as possible. I’ve noticed this year fewer shops seem to be playing it however Asda is one of the few which does.

  10. Not Asda staff, but you should check out his cover of Santa Baby “Santa Buddy”. It’s, shall we say, an interesting listen.

  11. Is my super power that I work in retail and I love hearing Mariah Carey and Michael Buble all day and I get sad when the music leaves in January 😂

  12. Never mind that. How does anyone working for Jet2 cope with hearing Jess Glynn eight times a day?

  13. When I worked in a pub the lazy stingy cunt who ran the place didn’t pay for the music subscription so it was the same playlist on over and over again. Not his Christmas one but some _awful_ song about Hollywood being dead (the most hypocritical anti-message ever) was stuck on there.

    Me and some mates who worked there made what we call a “Champagne death list” where we agreed we’d pop a bottle if one of the said artists on it died. We extended that in some very dark ways and got close with Buble. Without going into details let’s just say we did raise our pints (not champagne) when another artist on the list, a certain former Take That member, had some unfortunate news.

    And before anyone “jesus christ that’s dark, properly mental, you’re mental” – yes, yes it drove me properly mentally ill.

  14. He’s a creepy, slimy, old lady wrangler with a weird singing voice. Like a real life Eoin McLove out of Father Ted. And his biggest hit sounds really stalky. The bellend.

  15. I work at a different chain than asda, but today at work literally every second or third song was a version of ‘walking in a winter wonderland’, *specifically* and i nearly stabbed someone, lmao

  16. Though Bublé’s tunes on loop make one sour,
    Your cheerful help in the festive hour
    Is surely appreciated despite the pain –
    We’ll all be glad when it’s spring again!

  17. Michael Jackson and Slade can fuck off too. Also, that pitter patter asshole banshees song … Im literally in the warehouse typing this as a delivery is coming in and Rockin around the xmas tree is on.. Didnt think the music in Asda would be *by far* the worst part of the asda night shift

  18. I did the London Christmas lights walk at the weekend as my toddler is obsessed with all the decs she sees on people’s home so we thought we would blow her mind.

    Fuck me, if I heard “I……don’t want a lot for Christmas” once, I heard the opening to that song a million times.

    I get that Mariah has made Christmas her thing but seriously fuck that song into the ninth circle of hell.

  19. It is sad and pathetic to hate someone you do not even know, but this is of course nonsense and the answer is 8

  20. I’ve forgotten what his shit music sounds like thankfully. I love a life of privilege where I’m not forced to listen to dog shit songs on the radio.

  21. I used to work on ice rinks during christmas, all christmas music makes my ears bleed 🙉

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