For context: I’m f19 and my boyfriend and I are quite close friends with another couple (all also 19 btw). We decided that we go on a roadtrip together in a few months and kinda questioned how we would handle it with sex because we will most likely sleep in one tent together all the time but still want to have sex with our partners. So I talked with my boyfriend about having a foursome and we both really like the idea. My bf also talked with out male friend about it (those two are like best best friends) and he said he’d also like the idea and he also already talked with his girlfriend. She also said she wojld be interested. Since we all know now that we all are more or less on one boat we don’t really know how to move forward from that.
We agreed on definitely talking about it beforehand to not make anyone uncomfortable or over step boundaries.
So which questions/topics are important to talk about first?

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