I’m 36 and have been in failed unhappy relationships. I have a friends with benefits from my past who I’ve stopped seeing and he still wants to keep seeing me but I have been avoiding him because I want to respect myself. He’s the best sex I ever had but he doesn’t want a relationship and honestly I don’t think I want a relationship with him as I don’t trust him. I don’t know what to do, I feel life would pass me without me enjoying it. I keep thinking I only want to be in a relationship to avoid risks of STDs and stuff, but I honestly don’t want a relationship that much except for that reason – to be safe emotionally and physically. But I really enjoy being with this guy sexually so much, but there’s no relationship. I really don’t know what to do. I am scared I will lose on opportunity to have best sex ever by waiting for a relationship that might never happen. I have tried but most men in my country don’t treat me equally cos it’s a patriarchal culture so it’s hard for me to find like-minded souls.

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