Hi, I’ve had sex with my boyfriend at least 13 times and every time it’s hurt insanely badly.. I was a virgin before I met him, I expected the first few times to be painful but not every time…

It only stopped hurting one time but it didn’t feel good really and the next time it went back to hurting. We make sure to use lots of lube and I use a vibrator before we have sex but I also have an issue where I don’t really get wet/masturbation doesn’t really feel like anything to me. When I do masturbate, I feel a sensation building up that eventually peaks and then my clit gets really sensitive but it just doesn’t feel that good..

I love my boyfriend and I’m attracted to him, I want to have better sex.. I tried going to a gynecologist and told her about my problems but she said that most women won’t feel good from penetration and that I’m probably just masturbating wrong..

I don’t watch/read/listen to any sort of erotic content because it does absolutely nothing for me.

I also have no problem putting a tampon in or even two fingers in. It might be my medications that are the problem, I take birth control leading up to when I’m going to see my boyfriend and have been on various different medications for mental health issues for the past 4 years.. currently I’m only on abilify, which I’ve heard can interact with your sex drive. I’m 19 but even when I was younger I don’t have memories of feeling sexually aroused.

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