Hey Reddit fam, I (32M) could really use some guidance here. I met this amazing girl (30F) on Bumble back in February 2023, and things escalated pretty quickly. We’ve been having an intense physical relationship, but lately, she’s been expressing deep feelings and dropping the “L” word. She’s even talking about marriage, and I’m just not there emotionally.
I’ve been feeling increasingly uncomfortable about the situation, and it seems like we’re on different pages. She’s keen on meeting my friends, but I’m hesitant because I’m not sure where I stand. I’ve been considering ending things, but I want to do it in a way that’s respectful and helps her understand it’s not her fault.
Has anyone been through a similar situation? How do I approach the conversation and initiate a breakup without hurting her too much? I don’t want to lead her on, and I need some advice on navigating this tricky emotional terrain. Thanks in advance!

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