Over the past few months, I’ve realized I need to start doing more with my time if I want to be anything great in this world. I have been trying to keep my days as full as possible making 14-hour productivity days. This doesn’t necessarily mean I am working 14 hours days, it means whatever I am doing within those 14 hours has to benefit my well-being. I am trying to split my time up and dedicate whole days one thing or another to avoid stressing myself out focus wize (Have 2 main goals right now career & social skills) I want to focus an entire day on socializing with people in public, I have ideas to go out to random stores/Gyms(use free passes everywhere)/libraries/and anything else I can think of. My main focus is to get comfortable starting a conversation with anyone out of anything I can go off of, I plan on challenging myself to approach random people and try to start a conversation about 1) something they’re holding, 2) something they’re wearing, or 3) something they’re doing.

I would love to hear any advice anyone has for me or ideas that could help me push me further into discomfort to make me better at socializing.

Thank You!

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