I believe that in order to lead a happy life, you need 6 things. You need:

1- a successful career or good financial status

2- an exciting hobby

3- a strong spiritual connection

4- Good friends

5- an understanding partner

6- a good physique and physical health.

I have worked really hard to check all the boxes, and I did with 5 out of 6.

I tried my best to find an understanding partner. I am 27m, had only one long relationship, which was not healthy or good by any means and lasted 2 years. I am not a player, and I believe I will find the last piece of happiness with a woman one day in a healthy long relationship.

Nevertheless, all my attempts to find her have led to ghosting. This happens even before I have the chance to express myself. I am not sure if speed dating is the trend now, but I am not into switching partners like clothes whenever I get bored.

I not pessimistic though. I will keep trying like I did with the other aspects of my life until I succeed one day. I know I will have to endure many rejections and heartbreaks to get to that, but it is the only way. I know I can take the easy way and give up. I can just go along with the women I meet and show interest in me, even if I feel no connection or matching, but this will lead to even more pain.

I truely wish I met my soulmate early on when I was younger, and lived my 20s with her, but chances and logic say that I may need to pass a dozen of failed attempts first.

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