I’ve been working for a long time and I’ve recently hit a big net worth goal. I’ve burned out at my job, though, and I’m planning on taking at least a year to travel. I’ve been really lucky and fortunate to have saved a chunk of money to do this, and I’m currently on the path to financial independence.

I’ve been thinking and I realize that there are certain goals and priorities that are prized by society in general, but the more I think about it, the less I’m sure I want that stuff. It seems like the general path in the West is as follows:

– Buy a house – build “equity” (at great cost), build a nest
– Get the creature comforts – nice car, furnishings, etc
– Enter a relationship – “settle down” with someone and build a life together
– Start a family (this is optional for some)

I think this is what we’re supposed to want and supposed to do, but I’m not convinced that it’s worth it. As I get older I see a lot of people who have taken this path and they’re now facing divorce, splitting assets, dealing with custody, etc – and they’re stuck in one place due to the creature comforts and housing situation.

I find myself wondering if all of this is worth it. I feel as though a lot of us focus heavily on relationships, both for personal and social reasons. But I honestly kind of want to fuck off and build the rest of my life around travel, community, and experiences that are meaningful to me; luckily, I think I’m on the financial path to do that. I feel like doing this solo would allow me to focus on my personal goals instead of having to compromise and try to build a life with someone else – I’ve already built my life, and at this point I feel like I have more to lose than I have to gain.

Has anyone voluntarily chosen the bachelor life after 30 in order to accomplish personal life goals and experiences? Did you do so with the financial resources to make your dreams a reality? How do you feel about your choice?

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