Yeah I know the answer is Just Do It, but do you have any tips for kinda working yourself up to do it?

I’ve noticed I don’t say my feelings even over stupid things that don’t even matter. The example of the day is a friend came to visit my partner and I’s home and we had a box of donuts. She picked out the Boston cream and even asked if anyone cared if she had that one. I didn’t speak up even though that’s one of the only kinds of donuts I like and I didn’t want any of the others that were left, because I was trying to be polite. Now we have a box left full of donuts I don’t want or like. I have a lot of trauma in my past that leads me to discount my own wants and needs even down to dumb shit like this so others can be happy even when I’m not. I really want to stop doing this.

Eta I am already in therapy, so that’s already covered, and I fully understand why I do it. I’m mostly wondering if anyone has advice on how they got better at this.

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