We’ve been dating 1yr. I’ve been telling him to just not post me as I’m a private person but he just keeps doing it. At his old job he would show pictures of me to his co workers against my wishes and it annoyed me because I have body dysmorphia and I don’t like my looks. I don’t even post on my own social media because of it.

Recently we went to a Christmas show and I took a couple of selfies with him that I liked but kept them to myself and was not intending to post them. He sent one of the pictures to his group chat with all his guy friends knowing that I would not agree to this. I tried talking to him about it and he said “If we had it your way, no one would know we are dating and they wouldn’t know you existed.” He continued stating “I’m allowed to post you.”

I found this very rude and inconsiderate of my feelings as recently on FB I let him change his status to in a relationship with both of our pictures and I did the same. So everyone on his friends list would have seen that and knew. I had anxiety about it but it was about time for it to be done.

He is just acting like a jerk and he won’t listen to me. I don’t like my looks and don’t want to be posted. I don’t get why it’s so hard to respect that.

How do I get him to understand and how else can I approach the situation?

tl:dr bf keeps posting me against my wishes

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