I (M24) have been with my partner (F24) for just over 7 years and our sex life is pretty much non existent. I would consider my Sex drive to be very high as I get horny nearly everyday but due to lack of intimacy in our relationship I just find my frustration is growing and growing. She has 0 desire for anything intimate so I always have to initiate but this leads to me being labeled a pervert every time. We probably only have sex once every 3/4 months and I have had a good few conversations with her concerning all of this and how it is affecting me and I have even tried to compromise with her and only have sex once a week or so, she always agrees to this deal and it never comes to fruition and it leads to me having to wait again for months after getting my hopes up in thinking we were finally working on it , what can I do to help this situation? Is the relationship over or is there any chance we can turn this around?

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