So my [G]f (25) and I [M] (28) are looking for develop our bed life. We’re together for year and a half, but for all this time she pretty much ignored intimacy in our relationship despite my effort and multiple conversations about that and that it’s important aspect for me.

Just recently she realized that this is actually important in a relationship and we started looking for ways to develop it. Neither of us have great experience (she’s my 2nd ever partner, I’m her 1st) so I’m looking for ideas what we can do to gradually develop our intimacy. Currently she feels comfortable only with delicate mutual masturbation, but she told me for future that oral and anal sex is out of question. Do you people have ideas what steps we can take so she will feel comfortable having sex in a future as she’s not there yet?

1 comment
  1. Me and my boyfriend went through about 8 months of a dead bedroom phase before we realised how important sex was to a relationship. I’d say take it slow and don’t push for anything – that’s what we did when we first started having sex again and now we’re into all kinds of freaky stuff.

    Just mainly focus on making her comfortable with intimacy and you’ll slowly progress from there. Good luck OP! 🙂

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