This is happening as I’m typing this, and my GF [27F] and I [29M] are both clueless what to do.

I came to visit my GF for the holidays and I booked a little holiday resort out by the ocean. My gf has a very close friend (we will call her Stella) whom she basically grew up with, so for this little NY hangout we decided to invite her along (all expenses paid for by myself).

Everything was fine up until 12/30 when we were shopping for some supplies to bring. We decided to take a break and go for some dinner, at which point we found a table for 4 but with only 3 of us. My gf decided she wanted to sit next to me.

That was…apparently a trigger point?!?

Since the evening of the 30th, Stella has been putting up this MAJOR resting bitch face, responding to everything with one or two words, like she’s upset at something or someone.

We thought it would be okay the next day (12/31) but boy were we wrong. It continued throughout the ENTIRE TIME at the resort, and absolutely murdered the vibes. At one point I asked if she wanted to talk about something and she gives this generic “everything is fine, whatever” bullshit response with some of the smuggiest of attitudes. This just basically went on and on and on until this very literal morning, where I got woken up by a phone call from her at like 4 in the morning, and found out that she went out by herself in the middle of the night. She was surprised I picked up but mind you, she called our group chat, not my girlfriend. This led to my girlfriend and I going out to find her at like 4 in the morning (Stella even said that she only wants to talk to her by herself, which obviously I won’t let my gf go out by herself wandering, but I left them the privacy to speak anyhow, requesting my gf only to update me every 5 or so minutes to make sure nothing is wrong).

At like 6 in the morning on new years day, they seemed to have made up?! So we went home and slept.

After we woke up in the early afternoon, I cooked them breakfast and right after that we went out to walk the dogs on the beach. Everything was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. After we got back, I went to lay down to rest a little more while my gf stayed with Stella in the living room, after maybe 30min to an hour my gf comes into the room and decided to lay down a bit too, because apparently Stella has fallen asleep. Cool.

Then later, Stella woke up, and apparently completely re-energized, proceeded to scold my girlfriend about how she will never change and her behaviors is still the exact same and that if she doesn’t see the problem then whatever blah blah blah.

Now she’s sitting there on the couch crying into her little plush.

What the actual fuck. My girlfriend is mad now because she can’t see what she did wrong, and neither can I. The mood for the holiday is completely destroyed and we have zero idea what the fuck went wrong.


(Pardon bad grammar, sentences, spelling etc. I’m kinda stealth typing this so I’m not really checking anything)

Also, if there are any questions regarding what I or my girlfriend did, feel free to ask? As far as I can tell all she and I did was try our best to have a good time, but okay if there is even the slightest possibility that we neglected something, question us, and let us reflect.

I am |-| this close to just pack her things up and tell her to go back home (30min train ride) if she hates it here so much

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