to sum shit up: i was abused and neglected by my mom my whole life and thus assumed myself to be some depressed cut off socially dunced loser my whole life and just accepted that, cut to now ive been living with my father for a year and doing awesome. love myself, super confident and got my extrovertedness i lost when i was a child back

my issue is i live in the middle of FUCKASS. NOWHERE. literally in the cabin in the middle of the woods, an hour away from the nearest town. due to being a depressed moron my dumbass never got my license. i have my L now and still have to wait to be able to fully drive n shit but i feel like im slowly losing my mind due to not being around people?? i would get a no-paying job even if i could just to be around others. but i dont have any options like that.

im 18. going to college in hopefully a year. but does anyone have any ideas on what i should do?? ive picked up a few hobbies, but being by myself gets so fucking boring. i finally like being around people, and im stuck on my own. it sucks.

i HAVE had encounters w decent ppl, and i visit my gramma regularly just so i can be in town. but its only ever brief. im a chill person and have always been able 2 vibe with whoever, but how the fuck do u even begin to meet ppl in my situation ?? id kill for an irl buddy. literally anyone. but anytime im lucky enough to strike conversation i never know if its weird or not to ask for their socials immediately?? esp from a quick ten minute convo. man. i just feel so isolated in a world of people, i wish it was like when we were real little and asking “wanna be friends?” as a first intro was the norm.

should probably add im a boy looking lesbian living around redneck hick farm towns. so. that helps! (lie)

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