Next month my friends daughter turns 1, she’s the first baby of the friend group, first grandchild on one side of her family and first granddaughter on the other. So she has a lot of people to fuss over her!

For Christmas I got said kid a book and was speaking to my friend who was suprised how many gifts her daughter got. She was also saying (a different time) how her and her husband have rarely been able to have time alone together due to parent guilt and the increase in cost of going out)

I don’t live close enough to babysit (I live 3 hours away) but I was wondering if instead of getting baby a birthday gift. I got a voucher for her parents to help with the cost of a meal/date they could use – framing it as a “congrats on being parents for a year” thing….

Would this be weird? Happy for parents to suggest other ideas as well?

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