i used to be able to jerk off twice a day, sometimes more, with no problems. these days, i’ve noticed that i sometimes struggle to perform sexually if i’ve jerked off the day prior and my bounce back just isn’t what it once was. my erections aren’t always as full as they could be. i’ve really only noticed this in the last maybe year or so. maybe not even the full year. it was a gradual drop off but i’m now at a point that i find concerning.

i see that many men my age and even much older are still masturbating daily and i’m a little young for sexual dysfunction. it’s strange because other times it seems like i have no issues at all and i’m able to perform a lot in a few days.

i do notice that porn tends to make it worse and i’ve opted for less stimulating means of self pleasure when i do masturbate. but i’m just a little concerned. does anyone have some tips or any experience with this? what did you do to solve it?

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