I’m in college and I recently met this girl on Snapchat. We talked for a while and then I realized we had a class together. Long story short there I helped her do all the homework she was missing. She gave me super mixed signals after that, I wasn’t really sure if she was into me or not so I didn’t really do much with it but sit back and watch. She added me to her private story where she would post a lot about herself, things she wanted in a man and stuff she liked doing. I took note of all of this. I had asked her questions such as her interests. She then told me the stuff she liked and we ended up having quite a lot in common. Obviously not everything in common as that is very hard to find someone who’s tendencies are the exact same as yours. But it was enough in common for me to think something of it. She even asked me why i liked the things i do and thought they were unique and cool. I then decided maybe it’d be a good idea to ask her to hang out since school was ending and I already didn’t see her much. She kind of didn’t text me quite as much after that which is odd but it made sense at the time. She didn’t end up hanging out with me because she had dinner plans with family. Which turned out to be true. Later on I had started being kinda dumb with the situation kinda leaning towards and directing that I indirectly liked her. Basically I was making posts on my snapchat and only sharing them with her so only she could see what I was saying. I even went as far as to say exactly what I wanted and didn’t want in my future girlfriend to try and appeal her which didn’t work. Fast forward to last week she was posting about how she thought she was an ugly bitch who couldn’t get any action. I reply and told her she was very pretty and I wouldn’t ask her to change herself or her looks. She admired that I had said it but didn’t make anything out of it. The next day my coworker told me I should tell her how I felt. So on break I sent her a long snap about the truth. She replied back “I’m not the right girl for you, i drink my problems away and party all weekend, just because you think I’m pretty doesn’t mean you should fall for me, I still wanna be friends but I’m not the right girl” . The ironic part is that story I had posted I had quote on quote said “I don’t want a girl who just parties and drinks her problems away”… that’s why the whole story post detail was important. Anyways after work that night i sent a thoughtful message just telling her I thought about it and even if she didn’t think she was the right one I did and I think we could make it work. She opened it and unadded me almost right away. So my question is should I add her back and try to make things right. Or was she just not interested from the jump to begin with because she really led me on to think she was. And it’s been like a week since this happened so when is the right time to add her because she didn’t block me (which she easily could’ve). She also kept me unblocked on TikTok and Instagram so the whole situation makes no sense to me. What should I do is it too soon to try to connect?

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