Curious what the take is on this.

  1. i cant comment on what “causes” introversion, but i can give my opinion on introversion: its not a real thing as people understand it

    my experience was that in social situations i was using up a lot of energy over analyzing the situation and having my mind doing constant work of all kinds. demanding myself to think of things to say, wondering what people are thinking, how do i get them to like me. all kinds of bullshit

    i learned how to be comfortable in social situations, how to navigate them with ease, not have my mind do that work, and now my “social battery” no longer runs out

    and sometimes i do find myself over analyzing. like lets say im at a work dinner or meeting in laws or something. i put more pressure on myself in those situations. so if i dont catch myself and ge out of that state of mind, i exhaust myself like my old “introvert” days

  2. No. You can see signs of whether a person will be an introvert or an extravert when they’re babies.

    An introvert is someone who expends energy though socializing, while and extravert is someone who feels energized by socializing. No negative experiences are needed for someone to be introverted.

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