We’ve been friends since childhood, talking almost every single day, doing stuff together, etc.

Fast-forward to the recent years, I’ve noticed how this friendship became colder, for example – if I call her to hang out she’d be like “I’m busy, maybe next month”, we end up seeing in three months. Note that she isn’t married and she doesn’t have kids, as in – she isn’t actually busy with family life, but the presumption is that her work keeps her preoccupied so much that she never has time to meet for a coffee, she’s been working the same job for years, yet she seemingly became “busier” over the years.

One other prime example – I live and work abroad, so I called her and I told her that since I’d be coming home for the holidays I might as well buy her something, and I told her: “You don’t have to pay me anything, just let me know if you need something and I’ll get it for you”.

Her response was: “Hah, all of a sudden you’ve become a moneymaker, I don’t need anything”.

Another example – I asked her if she can take a day off from her annual paid leave before I went abroad, because I was planning to stay in a different country for a long time, so I wanted for us to just hang out for a day together, she said that she had already used up all of her annual paid leave period, which also seemed quite odd, considering I used to do that for her in the past, and vice versa. So what happened was, I actually came back earlier due to a health related issue, and I asked her if we could see each other, and her response was that she was on a vacation. Basically lying to me that she had used all of her paid leaves for the year.

I’m just confused, because I’m obviously biased about our friendship, yet I want to see how all of this could be interpreted from a different POV?

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