Hello, I(32F) have been with my wife(31F) since our second year of high school. From what I remember, she has always wanted to become a doctor. A Paediatric doctor to be exact. While I kept changing my mind and was continuously unsure about what I wanted, my wife was extremely dedicated on wanting to be a Paediatric doctor. I’ve seen her study her butt off in college and cry from frustration as she studied. Seeing her work so hard gave me the motivation to finish school and become a lawyer. We’ve been each others biggest supporters throughout this journey. From working odd jobs to support ourselves, having cheap dates at the park and crying from stress and frustration, it was like finally seeing the end of the tunnel with my partner next to me the entire time.

We got Married right after I graduated from law school and started living in a bigger place with the money we had saved together. She finished her internship this year and is about to legally become a licensed doctor. However, her happy tune about becoming a doctor suddenly changed. I’m not really sure when her obsession with becoming a house wife started, but seeing her go from being a career oriented woman with hopes and dreams to wanting to become a housewife gave me severe whiplash. I just couldn’t understand what could make her change her mind so suddenly. I tried asking about it and she said something along the lines of “I just want to cook and clean for you… Live a simple life.” I assumed that maybe she was feeling lonely since I’ve been working a lot so I told her that we’d go on more dates and spend more time together but again she insisted that she wanted to be a housewife.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a housewife, but to give up your long years of studying and hard work to stay home and cook is absurd. We’re already splitting the chores at home and we’ve just been on very equal footing since forever. I just can’t seem to read her. Maybe being a doctor just isn’t for her? Or perhaps she got bored. I just don’t get it. I want her to do what makes her happy because I truly love her and she’s my entire world but is stopping everything and throwing away the chance of having one of the most respectable jobs on earth just to stay home and do chores really worth it?

Maybe i’m asking the wrong questions. Maybe she’s trying to tell me something and i’m being dense. I wish I could read her mind. I just don’t get it. At the end of the day I just want to know why and maybe convince her otherwise. As much as I think that’s it’s a bad Idea, it’s still her life, but I don’t think i’ll ever be able to forgive myself if I let her throw her career away.

TL;DR: My (32F) wife (31F) wants to become a housewife after years of studying to become a doctor but i’m totally against it.

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