One time she put her pinky in my butt while she was sucking my dick and I enjoyed it (a little too much) so now we eat eachothers ass.

She confronts me asking me if I’m gay then proceeds to say I think your bi cuz u like your butt touched a little too much

Does enjoying the tickling sensation on my asshole as a straight man from my wife make me gay?

  1. Ok so for all you people who don’t know this. THERE IS A G SPOT for guys near the ass. It doesn’t make them gay, it makes them a dude. Being bi has literally nothing to do with it.

  2. You’re gay if you have a romantic attraction to people of the same sex as you. It seems like you’re just enjoying a sexual activity with your wife. Seems like she’s insecure or needs to do a little reflection on why she feels that way about you.

  3. No you have a pleasure organ that you enjoy having touched by your wife. If you fantasize about having your ass eaten by a man then yea maybe you’re bi. Either way you’re married to her so what’s the issue in having your butt touched.

  4. It’s called a prostate and it’s literally the sole reason why you’re able to cum

  5. damn is that what every husband and wife do ? eat asses???? am i too single?

  6. That’s so ridiculous. Butt stuff isn’t what makes gay men gay 🙄🙄 being attracted to and romantically loving men makes you gay. Come on now, it’s 2022.

  7. Ok so. My wife licks my asshole multiple times a week (as I do hers too). She also uses dildos in my ass.

    I admit, the very first time I asked her to, she was a bit taken aback. Never had a guy asked her to touch their ass before. But, in time she not only grew accustomed to it, but, enjoys it.

    Anything a male and female do together is not gay.

    You know in the not so recent past, blowjobs were considered gay.

    Enjoy your partner, don’t judge their sexual wants, and have fun.

  8. Pretty sure it you don’t want the D and you’re only into women playing with your ass, you ain’t gay/bi

  9. If a guy put his finger up my butt that’s probably gay. When my wife does it I have the greatest orgasm ever. Enjoy

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