I was on lunch in a coffee shop, currently writing a little personal essay/guide about social anxiety and socializing with people in general. After writing out definition and possible origins, I moved onto mindsets and perspectives, to which I realized something I’ve heard many times, but never taken on board.

The earth is 4.5 billion years old. The average western human lifespan is about 78-83 years old. That’s a ridiculously small amount of time in comparison, not even half a grain of sand to all the beaches and deserts on the planet combined. Even smaller than that are the times you may have embarrassed your self or “said the wrong thing” to someone in a social situation. Any mess up you incur is so insignificant in the grand scheme of the world, it’s absurd to ever worry about. Anyone who ever holds on to something you may have mistakenly said simply doesn’t have anything else to spend time worrying about.

I hope this really helps someone like its helping me.

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