I am studying architecture ,i just started my school in abroad and the first semester was so exhausting and i tried really hard.

The thing is, i don’t have any friends at my university but you must do your assignment always with someone. At my univerisity there is a place , like a library , but it is only for architect students. When i first went to there ,i was so happy and excited ,but now everytime i go there i realize that i am the only one, who is standing there and have no friends. Other students , they do their stuffs together and getting a great note, socialize, they seemed like they are just having fun with their doings. But me, it seemed like no one wants to talk with me… i am a foreign student, i learned the language (i am still learning). I dreamed of this moment and those people ,they just act like that i am invisible. I will totally agree, that my language ability is not so perfect, but i tried to communicate with them and asked them if we work as a team.. it did’t go well.. In my faculty there are not so many people from abroad, they all natives.

What should i do to fix this ? Because of this lonely discriminated feeling ,i don’t want to go to my university. My grades are going down and down. This makes me crazy.
I love my major , i love my university, i love this place. How can i improve my uni life ?

1 comment
  1. This isn’t always the answer that people want to hear. But sometimes it can be a solution: Just be yourself (yes that sounds cliche) but also try to continue talking to others. Yes it is disheartening when others don’t really “see” you. I’m actually in the same situation, but I’ve gotten so sick and tired of it, that I simply don’t have the energy to try anymore. Don’t become like that, cause the healing process I’m in after snapping in a large impact is slow and hard. All you can really do is keep moving forward and keep your chin up. Eventually it will be your time to shine. Sometimes, in order for the sun to shine, the rain must pass.

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