Recently I’ve (f19) been finding my bf (m21) very annoying. We’ve been dating for 10 months. Things that he does often is speak on things he knows nothing about, yet he has far less knowledge on common everyday things. Like spelling meet instead of meat or “have you ate?” “Instead of have you eaten?” He treats me well and is very sweet, but it’s the speaking in absolutes on things that are wrong that really irks me. An example is him saying New Orleans smells like piss and is full of drunk lowlifes while he has never gone there. A similar story took place about Jamaica, which he said was a shithole, right before I went there. He does this in things that just are simply not right. Like saying he doesn’t believe in glasses and that they make your eyes worse. All of these little things are really adding up and are making me feel detached and uninterested. What do i do? How do I even un-train my brain from being so annoyed?

TLDR: Boyfriend speaks in absolutes on stuff he doesn’t know about yet doesn’t know basic things like words and grammar. Everything is annoying me and I don’t know what to do

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