22M. Been studying overseas for 3 years, not really into posting myself on social media and I always wear oversized t shirt everyday, so not many people know what I look like now. Been lifting 5 days a week for 1.5 year, never stepped into the gym before. Was and still am skinny fat, but now i have a little bit of muscle definition, not much tho. I’m also a really low profile kinda guy.

Today I tried on some clothes that are more “form-fitting” and quite surprised by the size of my back through the double mirror (cant see and never paid any attention to my back) , so i took a picture of my back in the shirt, still with the tags (unreadable in the pic). I bought the shirt in the end tho. The pic is just a full head to toe shot of my back with my face facing to the side, still fully clothed, nothing too cringy i think.

Posted it on my Instagram stories favorites with “noobie gains, lowkey happy” and i dont know why i feel so anxious. I always going back to my phone and check who saw it. 1 out of 4 complimented me and said I look better like this. But I’m afraid if my post is too cringy or embarassing. I’m not the most good looking person and there’s definitely someone that is more built or has more progress than me in 1.5 year.

It’s just a simple photo, but why am i so embarrassed of it.

TLDR: been a while since last time I met my friends, always hide my body and never posted myself on Instagram. Posted my newbie gains and now I’m scared if it’s too cringy / embarassing.

  1. I dunno, I like seeing pictures of people’s progress. Just reading about it (not even seeing it) gave me a happy feeling for you, and maybe a little inspiration to get more fit myself.

    So I vote: Not Cringy!

  2. Posting on ig is simply cringey, for literally everbody, no matter how harmless the post, don’t worry. I sometimes post stories of myself and delete them before people see them. Depends on your self esteem that day etc. I, on the other hand, love seeing photos of the people I follow, in particular when they’re showing off – not even in a sexual interest kind of way, but just cause I’m happy they are, and also it feels validating for my own cringey posts ahah

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