My girlfriend is prone to get yeast infections. We’ve been dating for a year and a half and I think she’s had 4. She thinks it’s from sex so we have strict pre-sex routines. Every time I use my fingers, I wash my hands thoroughly. I clip AND FILE my nails at least once per week because she loves fingers. I usually brush my teeth and use mouthwash before play in case she wants oral. She gives me oral, but unless we’re in the shower where she can clean me with a soapy loofah, she won’t do oral to PIV. It’s one or the other in bed, with limited exceptions.

I’m wondering if there are sex wipes that would alleviate her concerns about infections so we could easily switch from oral to PIV and back and forth. I’m happy with what we have, but some freedom to switch it up a bit would be great.

I’m surprised Google came up empty, because I’d imagine this would be of interest for the gay community (anal to oral).

Any recommendations for wipes or to improve our routine generally are appreciated.

Edit: it was four yeast infections, not UTIs. I got those confused.

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