I’m trying to understand why my ex asked to get back together a few days after our breakup, whereas he acted like he didn’t care during the relationship. Red flags/dealbreakers like not acknowledging my birthday at all while knowing the exact day and sending memes instead, hanging out with friends when he could’ve celebrated with me and not bringing gifts after joking about what he’d give me, neglecting my affectionate texts, and no longer opening the door or giving me a hug. He has a big ego and likes to boost himself up while putting others down. Did he truly want to get back together? Do you think it was genuine but misguided by raw feelings after the breakup and will go away with time? Or, is he doing it with a motive and would break up if we were to get back together?

  1. If he’s got a big ego, he probably misses having someone around to stroke it. The fact that he didn’t seem to care about you when he had you is all you need to know… things won’t be any different the second time. (I just wasted a year of my life with someone after a three month separation… and guess what? Same thing all over again.)

  2. he probably thinks you’ll take him back since you put up with all that he out you through and realized another girl wouldn’t deal with it so he’s back trying to get you probably for sex and company and to keep you from finding better. i’d block on move on op.

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