Yesterday was my birthday and I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. My partner and I got engaged on Christmas Eve and are expecting our baby any day now (today is my due date). He got me a plant. That’s it. Planned to get me a massage I guess as a joint present with my sister but I have yet to receive anything.
He spent a LOT of money on his son (8) on his birthday and I spent a lot on him for his birthday in November. We both had to work yesterday and then went to the movies (I bought the tickets, he bought the food.)
I feel guilty for hoping he was going to get me something nicer. I feel like I should be grateful for my engagement ring and his companionship (which I am). But at the same time I don’t know if the ring should be like a “bundled” gift?
Idk. My birthday was also a bust last year so I was hoping to feel a little special this year, especially as I’m about to give birth to our daughter. I kept waiting for something else but nope, just the small/medium sized house plant.
And now I feel like a materialistic asshole for wishing he got me something nicer.

TLDR; My finance got me a houseplant for my birthday.

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