So I recently went to my local anime convention with a friend of mine. I’ve been going to this convention on and off for about 9ish-10ish years so I know the layout pretty well. Recently anime conventions haven’t piqued my interest in a couple of years since I feel like I’m at that age where it’s weird if I go (I’m 24). And I was only going cause a friend or mine wanted to see me and hang out together since we haven’t seen each other in 2 years and it was very nice of her since it’s about a 2 hour drive from her place to get to the con just to see me.

Anyways, I get to the con super early to get good parking and I just hang out in my car since there’s not much to do at the con and the panels don’t interest me. I wait about 4 hours in my car sleeping and on my phone, waiting for her to get here. She mentions that a group of friends that she knows is also going and she’ll be hanging out on and off with them, I told her that’s perfectly fine.

4 hours pass and she tells me she’s here and I haven’t been inside the con and haven’t eaten in awhile since I wanted to hang out with her and catch up. She tells me she’s eating with her friends and that we’ll meetup in a bit and it kind of annoyed me a little bit since I wanted to spend some time with her and her friends to get to know them better, but at the same time we didn’t plan this well. It kinda just happened so this one’s on me. I tell her to let me know when she’s ready and to take her time.

After she’s done eating we meet up and walk around the vendor hall and talk and see what kinds of things we want to buy. We tell each other what we’ve been up to and how are things, the usual stuff. My friend also has a lot of medical conditions so she can’t walk that much and needs a break every once in awhile, so after 2 hours of walking around we find a place to sit and chat

We talk some more about what’s been going on in our lives and such. She tells me that she’s really tired and wants to head home. She then asks me if I’ll get angry or mad if she leaves now. I tell her of course not and how I want her to prioritize her health over me. After 20 minutes if sitting and talking her mom comes and picks her up and she leaves. Keep in mind we’ve only hung out for a total of like 2 hours, maybe 2 hours and 30 minutes. I stay at the con for an extra 30 to see if there’s anything I want (Didn’t get much).

So was I too nice to my friend? I didn’t spend much time at the con not that I minded and we didn’t get to hang out much. I essentially spend like 4 hours in my car waiting and a total of 3 hours in the con. Now typing all this and reading it I feel like this one is more on me haha, but I want to get another people’s take on this

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