I’m a stripper so I see a lot of married men come into my job telling me they are unsatisfied with their sex lives, so I’ve made it a priority in my relationship to try anything / spice up our sex if I feel like maybe it’s getting monotonous for him.

I have no doubt my husband loves me deeply, we have a wonderful relationship. We have been married for less than a year and don’t have kids, so it’s not like we have been together for ages to where our sex is boring. At the beginning of our relationship it was like he couldn’t get enough but lately I’ve seen him more into like instagram girls (people he knows) and caught him in the shower masturbating versus having sex with me.

He’s told me when he was blacked out that I was the best sex he’s ever had, but recently I’ve noticed I usually have to initiate versus him doing so. I get sexually frustrated and honestly kind of sad. We have discussed this, with him bringing it up himself and he has said he would make more of an effort but to be honest that also made me feel sad bc why would you have to if you are into me? I’m pretty too… (not trying to be conceited) have no body issues so I know that’s not the issue. I’ve stopped initiating as much so it evens out, bc I don’t want to feel like the man in our relationship.

He takes steroids and has mentioned this as a reason why his sex drive is not consistent when he switches cycles, so for the most part I’ve tried to not let it bother me, but I guess catching the masturbation made me question if thats the only reason . Can someone please to me why this could be happening? I just feel really sad about it and it has been making me feel more distant and emotionally detached from him. 🙁

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