Hi everyone,

I was born and raised in France from English parents.

My dad drinks close to 1L of wine every day after work. Perhaps not what you guys are used to on a daily basis but way more than my French friends and colleagues.

It’s obvious for everyone (his friends included) that he has an alcohol dependency. Before I didn’t think much of it and I used to blame the drinking culture for his behaviours but it’s becoming problematic.

My question is: is it that regular in the UK to drink this much? We don’t have family left in the UK as they lost contact so I’m rarely there (although I’m currently visiting for a few days) so it’s hard to get an order of comparison.

Edit: thanks for all the reactions. I’m sorry if I offended some of you I didn’t mean to be insensitive towards English people I just tried to get more insights as I don’t have much knowledge about typical behaviours in England or the UK for the matter.

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