Good afternoon everyone. Just wanted to share my experience and see if anyone has advice for me.

I had rough sex with my wife unprotected on 1/8/24. Immediately after, I noticed a burning sensation on my frenulum. I looked at noticed two fissures that had a minor burning feeling. I cleaned them and just brushed it off. I even made a joke saying my wife was gonna have to wait for next time till I healed.

Anyway 3 days later on 1/11/24, I had an insane burning sensation when urinating. Extremely painful. And now my frenulum was swollen and had a sore where the fissure originally was. A bad infection I thought. A couple days have passed and the burning never went away and the sore now has two lesions on the side.

Well, on 1/15/24, I went to an urgent care clinic and the physician diagnosed me with genital herpes. He gave me a prescription for acyclovir and another ointment which I’ve just picked up and am now at home.

I have already had the talk with my wife and as imagined, things are not well. There is a lot of tension at the moment even though I’ve tried to keep things as fair as possible. I told her either I’ve had it dormant and it’s just coming out, or after cutting myself and exposing myself to her, maybe she’s a carrier. She immediately denied and said she’s clean.

I’m hoping things resolve with time, but I’m trying to see if anyone has any experience with this and how my marriage can resume a normal sex life. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Forgot to mention, my wife and I have been together for 10 years and have been monogamous as far as I can tell. I have no reason to believe she’s cheated and I myself have not cheated. This is why all this is a surprise to us.

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