I’ve made a few posts recently about how much of a hard time me and my partner are having. It seems like each fight just bleeds into the next.

Tonight we went to a gig with her friend and we having a really good time. The last few days we’ve had some hard conversations about our relationship as a whole, but I felt like we started to get things back on track.

We were dancing and laughing, putting on silly voices and singing along to the band. She starts recording a video, and I say to her “oh you’re just recording the same vid you did in (another city we saw the band in).” And made the same stupid noises we’d been making all night. At the time I remember her finding it funny, and she sort of elbowed me jokingly and we got back to watching the band.

Except all of a sudden she’s not really looking at me, talking to me, dancing with me or anything, only paying attention to her friend and seeming annoyed with me.

I ask her what’s wrong, she says nothing and turns away. After half an hour of what I felt was essentially the cold shoulder (her no longer enjoying any part of the gig with me or paying attention to me), I asked if we could talk outside for a minute because I felt panicky.

She said no, she was watching the gig. I said it felt like something was wrong, and she shrugged me off. Eventually got her outside and she said she felt hurt that I ruined her video, I apologised and said that wasn’t my intention, I was just trying to rib her like we’d been doing all night to each other. She didn’t accept that and asked if we could go back in. We did, and she still paid no attention to me.

Before we got back in the car with her friend I asked if we could resolve things, that it was just a miscommunication. She was just angry and told me to go away/leave her alone.

What do I do?? I don’t understand why the switch flipped so badly when it was just a rubbish joke.

Tl;dr: I made a shit joke after having a great time with my gf, she’s now ignoring me and not accepting any apology

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