My job is full-time work from home, and a couple of nights ago, I was working late. Got done around 7 pm and came downstairs to look for my wife. She was nowhere to be found, so I called her cell. All kinds of noise in the background, and I say, “Where are you?” She didn’t feel like being alone in the house, so she had gone down to a new neighborhood bar that we’ve been wanting to try. She said, “C’mon down and meet me!” So, I headed down there, and when I got there I walked up next to her and said, “Is this seat taken?” She said no, so I sat down and we started flirting. I asked her what she was having (knowing full well it was a margarita, her favorite). She asked me what I was going to order (knowing full well it would be a XX Amber), and when she eventually ordered a second round, I asked if I could pick up her tab. She pretended to be all surprised, and we got even more flirty after that. Finally I asked her if she wanted to come back to my place; she said yes and we took my car so we could drive home together. Had to go back and get her car the next morning. It was so much fun and such a break from our normal workaday personas. I love doing little surprising things like that to keep it fresh.

Anyone else have silly stories like that with your spouse?

  1. My wife and I play “stranger at the bar” all time.

    She works downtown and I’ll go down to meet her for dinner or something. There is a hotel bar across the street that I’ll wait for her at. One bartender knows us and plays along but the others and any strangers next to us usually are clueless.

  2. Nope, nothing like that. Deadbedroom matter of fact. But this made my heart smile!

  3. I love this. It’s so cute and refreshing…and in being married for 15 years I can tell you it’s super important. Congrats on having a fun marriage. It’s everything.

  4. My husband and I work out at the same gym at the same time (when my mom is available to watch our 3 kids), but we don’t work out together. So when my husband is done with his workout, sometimes he’ll come over and slap my ass and pretend to be some random gym bro hitting on me. And then I’ll either role play like I’m into it, or occasionally I’ll pretend like I’m horrified and offended. Either way we leave and go home together, so if anybody’s paying attention they probably think they just witnessed the world’s weirdest meet cute 😜

  5. That’s awesome! Very fun. My wife and I like to grab each others asses as we pass each others at the rollerskating rink.

  6. Ha. I did this with my wife on a recent trip. We were ragged after little sleep because we got up early for our flight. We happened to be sitting across the aisle from each other. I looked across the aisle and said “hey, where you headed today..? Going anywhere fun?!” She looked at me and smile and played along. “Ohhh you know… just heading home..”. I kept it up for a bit hitting on her and making small talk like we didn’t know each other, loudly asking questions about her and talking about myself, being that guy whose going out of his way to keep the conversation going. Super fun! It was nice to see her face light up with the attention. It felt good to come at her. Now I want to do it again. Ha.

  7. Haha my husband and I ask each other “do you come here often” in our kitchen and other things like that.

  8. Love this story!!

    My wife and I do things like this all the time, that’s why we’ll be celebrating 32 years this Autumn.

    Wishing you and your wife everything…

  9. My wife likes to play stranger at the bar. She enjoys it so damn much. She told me one of these times I can be a part of it.

  10. i told my husband i wanted to do this because it sounds hot. then when we were showering together in the bathroom, he said “oh hello, who are you”

  11. My wife and I wanna do this so bad. However none of us have been in a bar in over 10 years lol. We’ll have to try it soon

  12. Strangely enough this story def got me!!! Completely different and unexpected!
    Happy couple!
    Gotta try to pull this on my husband! But I don’t ever think it’ll go this smooth! 😂

  13. I like to pretend it’s our first date and I like to ask my husband first date questions.

  14. This is so sweet and perfect to do in a marriage. Absolutely adorable.

  15. Props to all of you, OP and commenters for keeping y’all relationship fresh! That’s love baby?

  16. Well I am sure you did the right thing keeping yr marriage spruced up afresh. Things you need to do to you spouse even after you are married to her years on ; like yr are dating her all the time. Oh BTW you may want to spice up yr marriage too, like better bed stories together for e,g., you know what I am saying?

    All the best dude !!

  17. I don’t do this but my wife and I publicly (and sarcastically) argue about who is going to pay the check when we go out to eat or we’re at the grocery store even though we share an account.

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