My Girlfriend still has the condom she used when she lost her virginity (some other guy). She apparently doesn’t do anything with it it’s just in some box somewhere in her house. I got pretty upset about it and confronted her why she still has it, all she said about it was that “it’s a good omen”, I don’t even know what to say.Probably, overreacting by getting upset about this and not feeling comfortable. I might be overreacting but I really can’t see a good reason why she would keep it. We’ve been dating for a while now and had sex but I never expected anything like that, I’m very serious about the relationship and definitely won’t break up because of something like this, I just don’t think it’s normal. Why would she keep something like that, that reminds her ( and now me) of another guy? Was getting upset okay?

Update :

After I posted this, I talked to her about it and asked why she kept it, so here’s her pov :

When it happened there was nothing to throw it away in, so she put it in an old jewelry box she wasn’t using anymore. Later, she thought, she could keep it as a reminder of her first time, which I can understand but it’s still a used condom.
She’s kept it stored away, never did anything with it. ( if she was to get it out and, idk what you’d do with it, I’d havent reacted so lightly). But anyways she didn’t see anything wrong with it, didn’t keep it as a reminder of her ex, just of the day she lost her virginity and really hasn’t thought about it.
I know her enough to know everything she said was how she really felt.

My pov :

While I could understand her standpoint I obviously wasn’t happy about it and while it was a used condom, the sanitary part about this really didn’t bother me too much.
From my pov she was keeping something that would always remind me of her having sex with another guy.
I explained that to her and told her I’d never be able to come to her house with out thinking about it.
Thankfully she could understand and immediately got rid of it.

In conclusion, I’ve realized a healthy relationship can only exist if you’re able to communicate with your partner and are willing to have the uncomfortable conversations.
I love this girl very much and I know that there are things that will happen I won’t always be happy with. But talking about these things and overcoming these obstacles together really makes the relationship stronger.
I really appreciate being in a relationship where we can talk about anything and be listened to with out being judged.

I just thought I’d tell how we resolved this issue and how important and helpful these uncomfortable conversations can be.

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