So after 4 long years I finally walk next week, I’m graduating with a masters in EE and have a job lined up mid July in another city with another employer following up interviews. Recently single and have no idea what to do with myself. No friends nearby, no social media, and for better or worse no dating apps. Could use some real life advice, I’m pretty fit and don’t enjoy drinking too much. I will lay in bed and sleep at 8pm if the scenario grants itself.

  1. Relax and enjoy! It’s been 4 years. Take some time to decompress, rediscover the burg in which you live, read a book for the fun of it.

  2. Eight weeks is enough time to do some interesting things depending on budget – this is how i’d spend mine.

    1 week being a lazy motherfucker. Eating what I want, smoking what I want, keeping odd hours and doing whatever.

    Weeks 2-5 i’d make a point of traveling to see friends – if they’re working during the day find something fun to do for yourself. I go to museums, check out local parks, local interests etc. Then can enjoy some quality time with a friend when they finish work, grab dinner etc.

    Weeks 6-7 i’d look at spending some time in nature. Camping, or in a cabin somewhere. Books, possibly some company if they’re up for it. A bit of hiking.

    Don’t squander a gift of time!

  3. Holiday ? You deserve it. Abroad not, but a good break to reset and focus on what you would like to do next. Best of luck!

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