Me and My childhood sweetheart met again at college 2yrs. Ago, he still has a crush on me and i do too,i knew later that he kept looking for me all that time (7yrs.) things were all blurry between us and we both did each other wrong sometimes, he keeps hinting about us but doesn’t mention anything serious, he sometimes ignores me at college and when i asked him why or have i done anything wrong to him he told me that everything is fine and he didn’t mean it at all.
i knew from a friend that he really likes me, and i do too.!!! But i just can’t open any serious conversation with him because he keeps running away from it, we had a final exams weeks when i had to delete instagram for 2 weeks, and when we finally finished i reinstalled it, 2 days later he unfollowed me💀
I keep thinking about going to talk with him about it but im so scared he is going to runaway from the convo again im so nervous and confused what should i do???
Sorry for my bad English.
Note that iam 20 and he’s 19 now
Due to the rules he is a he and i am a she lol.

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