This is going to come across selfish, because it is, but I’m thinking I’m probably not the only one.

I (f35) have a group of four friends (all similar ages), and have been friends with them since mid twenties.

Our lives have changed so much since we were younger – at that point we were young and carefree and conversations were always light and fun. Our get togethers were usually to have dinner and drinks and then go for a night out. But as we’ve aged, our interactions have become much heavier and I simply don’t have the social stamina to keep up.

As an example, one friend is currently pregnant and her mum died during her pregnancy (I, and
our friends assume she got pregnant because she knew her mum didn’t have long left). Her dad and sister are also unwell. She’s been with her partner a hot fve seconds before getting pregnant and they’ve gone and got engaged. There’s some drama in her partners life.

And I simply don’t really care. I have a 2 year old of my own and I just want friends for fun interactions – I spend my days exhausted taking care of my wee one or working (I’ve worked 3 days a week since returning from maternity leave). I can’t bring myself to message her because every interaction is exhausting and I don’t really want to participate. It’s selfish, but I want my friendships to be fun and have found myself igorning any messages I receive from friends about more serious lifestyle issues.

Anyone else feel like this as they’ve gotten older?

Edited due to spelling error

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