I m26 have been with my gf27 for going on 6 months. We were playing monopoly last night. we are very competitive. any head to head game we both have no mercy for each other. we usually aren’t sore losers about it. And at the end of the game after some shit talking which is normal, I told her that “I never want her to win at anything in life head to head” and before I could say games after head to head even though she won. She immediately cut me off and said “well I make more money than you so I’m already winning. She said at the beginning that our income difference didint matter 3 different times. And she knew it was a concern of mine She makes double my salary. And everything has been great until that comment. The difference is I pay my way for everything. My car,school (in school now),rent… everything. While her dad paid for both her bachelor degrees and her car and she lives at home. I felt incredibly insecure and my confidence in myself,her and our relationship were shaken. She said what she really thought and I wonder if she thinks she’s better than me. Despite her unrelenting apologies, I also apologized but it’s still on my mind heavy. What do you think about this? I want to talk more with her about it but I’m concerned how it would go. She says that she only said that cuz she thought I meant in life but she always cuts me off so i couldn’t finish.

TLDR: gf took what I said out of context and threw the fact that she makes more money in my face over a game and hurt my confidence in everything. How would you react? What would you say? And should I just let it go?.

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