This thought is back again… i see some guy texting and smiling and making her happy and i think “i cant do that” i cant talk for hours and its always me chasing and starting conversations then i think that no girl likes me, then the thought of no one loves me or cares about me. And no one is into me, its like that thought disgusts them… i dont even want a Gf, just be friends with girls because i have none.

I dont do this anymore but i used to text a girl and try to prove to my self that im not unlikeable or loveable and always would backfire.

And i dont even know what to talk about, be interested in her? I become interested but they arent interested, because i always text first, I dont know how to have conversations for a long time… or talk about everything, i suck at talking

They mostly reply with one words, i know i shouldn’t base my self worth on girls, and should base it on inner happiness. And im trying to focus less on girls and focus on self growth and stop chasing girls.. and try to build meaningful connections instead of chasing.

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