I just interacted with a girl who was a 10 on looks but she was very picky and easily frustrated. That got me thinking “I wonder if it’s just her or do girls who are 10s tend to be more picky and easily frustrated about things because they know they are 10s and won’t settle for anything less than a 10 interaction all the time?”

So I am turning to the most logical place to ask philosophical life questions like this, Reddit to see what your experience has been.

  1. I reckon people’s personalities are based on a lifetime of their own particular experiences and circumstances, and evolve throughout that time, and not on what any individuals think about their looks.

  2. All women are different and if you try to treat them all like they are the same, you’re gonna have a bad time

  3. Good looking people kinda have life on easy mode. When things don’t go exactly there way, they get confused so to speak…

    If you can find a 10/10 that used to be a 6/10, Then you are really winning. if they were always good looking their actions usually reflect that.

  4. If they want to be with you they usually make it easy. Unfortunately a lot of people are only nice if you have something they want.

  5. Dating nowadays is dogshit. It’s HARD, regardless if 5 or 10.

    I wouldn’t think twice to suffer for a 10 instead of a 5.

  6. It depends on the person. Someone who is a 10 in looks is not always 5 or lower in personality. Frankly, this often sounds like a cope, where guys who were unable to get with a super hot girl try to come up with excuses about her potential flaws. 

  7. Doesn’t matter what number they look like

    What matters is what number they *think* they are

    There’s no difference between a 5 who thinks she’s a 10 and an actual 10 who knows she is… well, except for the fact that she’s a 5

  8. The longer you keep thinking about women as a number from 1-10, the worse your love life is going to be.

  9. I have no idea. I guess it depends how they are as people? in my opinion, a 10 is just a near perfect human. they’re kind/you find them beautiful/and you both click very well together. and to me, a 5 implies that we don’t get along as well.

    I guess I’d incorporate personality and character into the numbering system.

  10. Looks don’t necessarily define a person although some stereotypes exist for a reason. The thing I noticed when dating someone fairly attractive was the amount of outside attention we got. Guys would constantly come up to us in public and ask for directions or try to make conversation with her. People would buy us drinks or dessert during dinners because we were a cute couple. 

    None of those things happened with other girlfriends so either I’ve become uglier or they were influenced by said girlfriend’s looks.

  11. obviously women are not a monolith, but i do think generally if you are dating someone who society considers extremely attractive you have to be very secure / able to trust her due to all the inbound attraction, which is something i struggled with in my first relationship

  12. Imma say right now, you put up with/she gets away with a lot more when she is a 10. Really depends on her personality and what you are willing to deal with.

  13. I’ve dated a 10 who was amazing. I’ve also dated a 9.5-10 who was miserable and awful. I dated a 6 who was amazing in every way except her looks, that’s why it ended, she just wasn’t hot enough. I’ve also dated a couple 7-8s who were a mix of awful and great.

    How hot the girl is does not correlate with who they are as a person and partner, it does to an extent, but it’s a small portion of everything that comes into play.

  14. All based on upbringing. Experiences.

    I seen some incredibly beautiful women with heart of golds. And ugly women who were hateful beyond redemption.

    That being said there is definitely higher levels of bad personalities in hot women (and hot guys) because they are used to getting what they want so it’s what they expect. Never being told no or getting rejected is not something they are used too so when it does happen they don’t know how to handle it.

  15. All 10’s are not the same. All 2’s are not the same. It’s almost like every human being is a unique, separate individual?

  16. Mmm 10 in average is hard, my metrics are beuty, personality and independent. All above 7 in average is good.

  17. Never dated a 5, and probably never would. Tens do tend to be picky. The sweet spot is dating an 8 or 9 who thinks she’s a 6 or 7.

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