37M here, and I would say I swipe right definitely no more than 10% of the time. Some nights I won’t feel it with any matches and will swipe left 50 times and just give up. Other nights I’ll be more open-minded and swipe right 5-10% of the time? Kinda depends on my mood, I guess.

Maybe every 100 matches or so, someone will really just hit me, like I build up a bit of anticipation before I swipe right and hope hope hope it becomes a match. And since I’m on the wrong side of the equation in dating apps, it’s pretty much always not a match, lol.

Just curious what the percentages are for the rest of you? And if you don’t mind, let us know your gender? I’m also curious about the male / female differences.

  1. I’m probably 20 right, 80 left.

    Sure, matching feels nice. But when you match and its a with a person you’re not attracted to or you actually read their profile and aren’t into them, what’s the point? You’re just wasting your time and theirs at that point.

  2. I got my tinder insights recently and turns out I swipe right about 7% of the time

  3. I’d swipe right on maybe 10% of profiles I saw. There were some days where I’d get more lax but the result of that was I’d get more matches but the additional matches were mostly people I knew I wouldn’t seriously be interested in. I think it was better to get fewer matches but those matches be someone I’d want to meet.

  4. I’m a woman in my early forties. Not swiping right now, but a few years ago when I was on Tinder, I actually recorded some data out of curiosity. I strictly swiped right on *interesting profile texts only.* This led to less than 0,1% right swipes, which probably seems awfully selective, but worked very well for me.

    I did not record data on how many of my right swipes led to a match, but I feel like it must have been close to 100%. These were guys who had exceptionally well crafted, inventive texts, and I’m guessing they matched with me because I had the same.

    Sure, it was arduous to do the initial manual filtering, especially as you couldn’t even see the text without swiping down on each profile, but the rewards more than made up for that! Also, being initially selective saved me from the dating burnout and jadedness that seem endemic when browsing this sub.

  5. 35/f on Hinge.

    I swipe right on about 20% when normal swiping, but usually I choose from my stack where it’s more like 30%.

  6. If I’m attracted sure. Not than no. Weed out afterwards. Not going to be picky with everyone, OLD is a numbers game, get picky after I find out I’m attracted and they are too.

  7. 36F.

    Probably 10% right if I don’t have any filters on. Match with 80-90%. The right swipe percentage goes up if I use height or other filters. I have a very narrow geographic range because I live in a big urban area where many people within a few miles of me have a similar lifestyle, etc. Whenever I extend the range for curiosity’s sake, the right swipe goes down to 1%, maybe less.

    But I don’t swipe to match/collect hundreds of them. Once I get 10ish matches I wait to see who messages me (or who responds on bumble), etc. I swipe again after those conversations have fizzled or dates don’t go anywhere. If I get 10 matches, 3-4 will lead to conversations and 1-2 of those will lead to dates.

  8. 37F. Tinder insights show a 3% right swipe rate. I bought one month of premium so I could stick with just looking at who was already theoretically interested in me, and I kept data because I found it all pretty interesting. It was my first foray into OLD, and I did start a relationship with someone that I’m very happy with so far (three months).

  9. You should look at some of the stats out there available on tinder insights. To be successful, you should be swiping right probably much more often. And if you’re signed up as a male, you should probably be paying for at least gold level. I personally hate the idea of how the online dating experience has moved to an extreme numbers game. I don’t think OLD is selling matchmaking services anymore, I think they’re selling dopamine hits.

  10. I’m a bisexual woman.

    I swipe right on about 1% of men, and 30-40% of women lol.

    I’m into alternative sort of styles and artsy types (musicians, painters, dancers, etc) and those tend to be over-represented on the bi female side.

    Also, women tend to just take better photos and have a nice style.

  11. I’m a straight 30F. I once requested my swipe data from Bumble and I think my swipe rate was 0.1%. Main reasons being: 1) I don’t want children, 2) I swipe left on (virtually) empty profiles and 3) I swipe left on people too far away.

  12. Considering I’m looking for a very specific type of man, I don’t swipe right very often. Less then 10%

  13. Not dating right now, but when I (53f) was, I swiped right on about 1-2 percent. Even then, sometimes I caught something later that I had missed on first review and unmatched. Maybe closer to 5% for those who had already matched with me.

    I always swipe left for folks who are too far away, too young, too bitter, have a bare profile and/or have no pictures.

    I have heard males complain about the disproportionate volume of match opportunities that females have, and I can affirm that quantity != quality.

  14. Male, almost never swipe left or right on profiles in the general pool. I pay to see who likes my profile and I match with who I want.

    I also put a lot of my more controversial traits and lifestyle choices in my profile so that most people swipe left on me. This helps ensure that the people who like my profile aren’t going to reject me IRL when they find out X. Left swipes are better than ‘no thank you’.

  15. I’m super picky. I would say left than 5% when I was online. I live in the Midwest, have teenage children, very active, youthful and financially secure. So I wanted someone who will be able to move when my kids are off to college and certainly close to what I have to offer as well. I’ve since found him but going thru that was rough even tho I had a positive attitude about OLD.

  16. 30M here. I swipe right fairly loosely because even the women I don’t necessarily find super attractive, they might have a funny/intriguing profile and I wanna get to know them. That being said, it’s probably around 8% if I’m being generous. I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but the majority of women that I come across on dating apps are overweight and despite them probably being awesome in real life (and we’d probably be great friends), I’m picky when it comes to who I date..

  17. 30F in Large City – It depends on how lonely I feel that day, but usually no more than 2%, most days 0.5%. I usually check the app just to see if there are new faces and I’ll maybe swipe right once or twice during that. Once I’ve felt I’ve spent too much time on the app or have seen familiar profiles over and over again, I will count out 100 more swipes so I don’t end up going down the Tinder rabbit hole and getting nothing accomplished. Of the extra 100 I usually only swipe right once or twice more.

  18. I swipe right on anyone I would conceivably be willing to date if I liked their personality. Works out to probably 50%. In practice I only respond to maybe 10% of my messages so I guess when the moment comes and she’s reciprocating my standards are higher

  19. What apps are you using to swipe right and left on ? All the ones I’ve seen most all of the women are cam girls trying to get you to pay for pics

  20. >Maybe every 100 matches or so, someone will really just hit me, like I build up a bit of anticipation before I swipe right and hope hope hope it becomes a match

    37F. that’s funny. i get this feeling too, but as someone work social anxiety who hates dating and small talk, all the good ones, i actually breathe a sigh of relief when it’s not a match because then I don’t have to start a conversation haha.

    fwiw, i don’t swipe right on anyone who just “likes” my photos (ie on hinge). i make the effort to comment on others’ profiles, so i expect the same from matches: i expect them to put forth effort.

  21. I’m female 38.

    I only swipe right to those who have interesting profile. If they don’t have anything on their profile, it’s always a left. So, it’s less than 10% for me.

  22. 0.1%, the outlier being someone I accidentally swiped right on when swiping through his pictures. Matched, realised I’d nothing to say to someone I’d never met and decided dating apps weren’t for me 🤷‍♀️ I deleted my account

    I think men swipe right far more often? There was a promo for Tinder gold I briefly got and I was surprised at how many likes my 2 photo account had gotten. Played a part in me deleting the app as well, I don’t want to swipe right on someone who swipes right on every single woman

  23. 37M. I’ve been using it for a month. I swiped on 262 of 4065 profiles, and got 3 matches (lmao.) What a colossal waste of time. I did swipe left on some beautiful profiles, too, but it’s kind of obvious they are fake, or not on tinder for the same reason, so 10% sounds right to me.


    I remember going to parks with friends as teenagers to meet girls, when success rate was about 80%. Technology is not doing it right.

  24. Out of 100 I’d say 20 maybe 25 percent. A lot of the profiles I don’t swipe on are one picture profiles, no pictures, no bio, only fans links, and don’t want/like kids. However of the ones I do swipe on I’m lucky if one person even responds.

  25. When I was on tinder, I’d say 10% swipe rights is generous (probably 1-5%). It’d be a match every time tho lol I’m a chick

  26. Last time I used Tinder, I uploaded my data to Tinder Insights. I swiped right on 15% of profiles, and matched with 13% of those swipes.

    That was 1832 right swipes, 243 matches. Of which, I started 176 chats and roughly half of them responded. Arranged 10 dates, 5 went ahead and 4 cancelled at the last minute and 1 got rescheduled

  27. I’m 33F, maybe 1/10 at most. I like 2-3 people, but then some have kids or a neck tattoo or lots of quotes that make me think they are total bros

  28. Straight male, when I was using tinder, 98% swipe right rate.

    Match rate for men is so low, it’s actually easier to sort and eliminate from matches.

  29. Very low, less than 10% because most profiles I see dont bother to put in any words, I dont base my desire to talk to someone soley on their looks.

  30. 32F, when I can have filters on it’s probably 25% of the time. Without filters it’s probably 5% of the time since I have to wade through all the slush I don’t want.

  31. Maybe 3-5%
    I’m 43F

    I also have those nights when I realize I’m just swiping left and feeling irritated about dating in general.

  32. I would say I swipe right about 85-90% on men who have the same cultural background as me. That being said, they’re less than 1% that are single with no kids in my city.

  33. Id say I probably swipe right on like 40-50%. Somewhere around there. I only use it sporadically though. Like every 3 weeks or so Ill get on and look at a few profiles then get bored and do something else.

    At this point I haven’t gone on a date in so long I don’t even know if I want to anymore.

  34. I looked at my Tinder data that they sent me:

    Total Swipes = 55065 (11 months)

    Likes = 12137 (22%)

    Matches = 214 (1.7%)

    First Dates = 14

    More than one date = 1 (though it was a rematch on Hinge)

    My like rate was between 20-25% month by month, so it really didn’t change that much.

  35. 35F here. On Tinder, maybe 10%. About half of guys have little to no profile, another quarter I’m definitely not attracted to, the remainder have deal-breakers or red flags.

    For some other sites which have drop down boxes for things like wants kids, non smoker, etc the % is higher since I know more about the guy

  36. F here, 1-2% swipe right rate, swiping on M.

    Resons not to swipe right:

    * Missing description (half of the profiles – maybe region based)
    * Our goals don’t match (relationship, casual, ONS, etc)
    * They’re all about hiking and camping and I suspect our lifestyles wouldn’t match
    * VanLife dudes
    * Blatantly misogynist profiles
    * “Too woke” profiles (I was honestly surprised to see those. Basically when the only personality of the guy is being woke)
    * Grooming issues (patchy or messy beards, balding but not shaving their heads, overweight)

    And I am left with 1% 🤷‍♀️

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