My boyfriend was a virgin when I met him. We’ve had sex a couple times and he hasn’t finished.
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 7/8 months and we have had sexual encounters since the day we met.
He’s only finished from me giving him oral sex, hand jobs, when I sit on his face and he masturbates, or even if I play with my tits while he masturbates.
He gets hard just looking at me or touching me so I know it’s not a matter of if he’s even attracted to me or not.
But we JUST had sexual intercourse a couple weeks ago and he didn’t finish. I thought that maybe it was him being a bit overwhelmed or just trying to make sure I’m satisfied, so after a brief conversation we came to the conclusion that obviously we’d try again… maybe we can try something different?
We had sexual intercourse again a couple days ago and he didn’t finish then either…
I encouraged him to try masturbating with a condom on because maybe it feels a bit different wearing a condom vs not wearing a condom. He’s gone soooo long only masturbating so maybe he isn’t used to the feeling of literally being inside of someone.
BUT I’m asking reddit for help. What should I do differently?

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