Hi, so I seriously need some tips before my first friend hang out tomorrow.

For context, I haven’t hung out with anyone in almost 9 months. Last year I was in a very toxic situation and I was very depressed and I gained a lot of weight, around 60 pounds. nine months ago, I moved to a new city very far away from all of my friends and family and it has been extremely hard to make new friends. I have been extremely insecure about my weight gain and it’s been hard to leave the house. I have gotten my life together a bit. I’ve lost 20 pounds now, and intend to lose the rest of it.

I have joined Bumble friends and have been chatting with this other girl who asked me to go get dinner with her. The one problem is, I’m still very insecure and I’m very scared of how this will go. She seems really nice and we seem like we click well but I feel like in my nine months of isolation- I’ve gotten kind of weird and quirky from my lack of socialization. I’m also scared because I don’t really look like my Bumble pictures anymore. I haven’t taken any pictures of myself since l’ve gained weight and I am scared that when I show up that’ll be like a thing. really not sure if that’s my insecurity talking or not because it’s not like more than a hangout, so it shouldn’t matter right?

Other than that does anyone have any tips for their first social outing after nine months of isolation? How do I not be awkward? I’m so scared!! Any advice is appreciated <3
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