My (29F) boyfriend (31M) will not stop peeing on me as the title says. Everytime we are in the shower together, he will start peeing on me. This has lead to many fights, and as much as I love him this might have to be a dealbreaker.

I met him when I was 28 and he was 30. He was perfect: handsome, witty, intelligent. The first time he peed on me was when we had been dating for around 7 or so months. We were in the shower, getting intimate, when I saw him starting to pee. I brushed it off thinking he was pointing it at the drain, until I saw he pointed it at me and the pee went all over my stomach and legs. I immediately yelled at him, rinsed off, and got out of the shower. He slept on the couch that night.

This has happened multiple time, and I’ve brought it up several times, telling him how upset and disgusted it makes me feel. Everytime he does it, we get into a big fight, I yell at him, and he brings up the fact that he “can’t help it” and that it “just happens.”

He’s told me before he’ll try to stop, but almost everytime we shower together, and even sometimes in the bedroom, he’ll pee on me. It’s affected our sex life and even our romantic life so much that we rarely ever have sex, usually only once every few weeks. Ironically, I’m writing this on the couch since my boyfriend peed on the bed and I made him clean it up. I don’t want to break up with him, but I feel like he’s not actually trying to stop.

TL;DR: my boyfriend won’t stop peeing on me during sexy time and says he can’t help it.

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