We were heating up our lunch in the break room and my coworker noticed my Mountain Dew can. He said he’d never had it before and asked me if he could have it. It immediately made me uncomfortable and I said no. I would never ask for someone’s food. Seems rude to me. I’m confused why he would ask me that. How would you respond to that situation? Should I have done something different?

  1. I think you could say, “well I’m drinking that one but I’ll bring one for you tomorrow if you’d like”

  2. He might just be socially awkward and was trying to make conversation. Sounds like a real weirdo tho

  3. My (23M) coworker (32M) asked for my Mountain Dew

    > I’m confused why he would ask me that.

    Obviously, as you stated, cause he never had one before and he wanted to try it

    >How would you respond to that situation?

    I’d take a glass and go halvsies with him or give him the entire thing

    >Should I have done something different?

    You should have given him the damn can lol

    Honestly, if this is a regular occurrence then sure, say no, but this sounded like he was genuinely curious and you shot him down. Be more generous, folks

  4. eating is for a good majority social. why is sharing food to you strange? first world post-covid neurosis?

  5. This is such an unbelievably normal thing, you gotta adjust yourself if this kinda stuff spirals you in anyway

  6. Wow you made it seem like he asked you for your social security number and your mother’s hand in marriage. He just wanted to try a drink he’s never had before nothing more nothing less.

    He’s your coworker and you know the guy it’s not like he’s a random person. Doing stuff like this is how you break the ice and make friends. Ask how he’s avoided Mountain Dew for so long or something

  7. I do think its a little strange to ask for someone’s soda can, but maybe he’s a bit socially awkward himself. I would have just responded with “for sure you can have some, let’s find a cup.”

  8. “If I had another one, I’d be happy to give that one to you.”

    Maybe bring him one from home the next day.

  9. Do people not understand this is just a person who happens to work in the same place as you. There is no need to say anything other than: no. It is weird to ask for a taste of a colleague’s food.

    This is a good source for conversation cuz why and how have you not had a mountain dew. Maybe that could lead to some familiarity and MAYBE at the end you’ll go haha I’ll bring you one from home. Otherwise in this circumstance you don’t gotta do anything but say no

  10. I wouldn’t let them try it if it made me uncomfortable. There’s also nothing wrong with just saying “no” and leaving it at that.

  11. I’ve read all these comments so far, and it really seems to come down to this:

    Person asking for the can was not considerate of the owner’s feelings. How could one not realize that by taking the only can would leave them without?

    Lunches are a big deal when you’re working, and if you took the time to make sure you have one, then it is yours. You’re excited to enjoy it!! Asker was asking to take part of that experience away from the owner. They had to be aware of that. They knew.

    So, why should the owner reward this behavior?

  12. ‘wtf is your problem dude’ is also a valid response. Let him feel awkward since he’s the awkward one

  13. Just say no. Seems like he was messing with you a bit. He might not have even been genuine, but either way just say no and feel confident you’re not the weird one!

  14. lol a bunch of weirdos in this comment section, dude did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. Just politely say “nah ima do this dew” maybe get him a cup to try it. Don’t take it personally he was probably just trying to make some sort of awkward convo initiation and clearly failed

  15. If we were cool, I’d find a small cup and maybe let him taste a small amount. But I agree with you, that is *extremely* odd. I’d never ask for anybody’s food.

    I did silently eye a woman’s pizza rolls so hard at a bar one time that she offered me one – and I accepted. 😂

  16. I think one thing people forget on here is that other people have bad social skills too. You made the right decision. He was the one making a faux pas, not you.

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