I feel strong pressure to preserve my culture/ethnicity?

Deep down I want to date and find someone who loves me

But I feel a lot of anxiety around losing my culture if I don’t find a wife/girlfriend from my culture?

Honestly I just want to care about my wife’s personality but I am scared of losing my culture if I marry outside of it?

Should I just date around and see what feels best?

  1. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your culture/ethnicity. But also: don’t unnecessarily limit yourself if your culture permits you to venture out there and try new things. You never know how things will go. And what you think you want right now or feel pressured towards right now is not always what actually ends up making you fulfilled.

  2. How will you lose your culture? You are your culture. If it’s going to work, she won’t mind if you participate in the culturally significant events in your life. She may not initially have the same reverence, but through your passion, she may begin to accept it as a part of hers.

    That said, you are absolutely limiting your potential connections, but there are pros/cons with everything.

  3. It’s better for your life to support the culture that’s best for your life/thriving/happiness, if that’s not the one you were born under then so be it. A culture should only exist to the extent it helps man to thrive. If your culture is a good one, then you won’t lose it. If it’s a bad one, then you’re better off losing it. If you find a better culture, then you’re better off with that one. And you can mix and match different parts of different cultures, keep the best features of different cultures and throw out the dross.

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