29f and 40m together 8-10 years. He has erectile dysfunction so we cant and have never have sex (the pills didn’t work I don’t think, idk and its not porn adiction he is poor health)

I feel bad, he says giving a woman oral is something he loves. It gives him confidence. But I’m never feeling it. If I’m not feeling turned on, it’s just embarrassing. I hate having anybody full attention on me and that’s what oral is to me. I’m not comfortable with anything else like toys as it is the same.

I don’t even remember what sex feels like. Its been 10 or 11 years, 5 or 6 years for oral. I remember I was still embarrassed and had no lights on and stuff even when I was sexually active with exes but. Idk. I feel bad withholding this from him but, I can’t. I don’t get horny at all. I might be asexual now idk

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