I’m 17 and I struggle with everything, I’m quiet, shy, awkward, and boring. But the biggest thing I’m concerned about is that I stumble over my words, I start off fine but then as I continue the sentence (the longer it is the worse it is) I mess up a word. Usually words with W or R in them, I’ll basically pronounce the letter wierd and it makes me look dumb. I can’t talk fast without messing up, not even really that fast either, I mess up a lot speaking at normal speed and it’s a big insecurity that I can’t just speak articulately and smoothly, I can’t really find much information on the internet about this except for intentionally trying to articulate more. I’ve always had trouble with Rs and Ws when I was a kid, I literally couldn’t pronounce them I had to see a speech therapist. Any advice would be appreciated

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