So I’m (37 M) dating my now girlfriend (42 F), and she’s aware I have autism. It was one of the first things I told her when we started talking.

So I have sensory issues with some foods etc, and tonight she put one of those foods in a mix of what I ate for dinner, but didn’t tell me. Now I’ve got a lot of stomach cramping and dry reaching (it’s a sensory thing, I didn’t ask for this). I’m actually feeling really annoyed.

I live in a different state to her and am currently staying at her house. I actually feel like going home. Am I feeling irrational? I’m personally not like that with people, but I also feel that maybe our emotional maturity levels are very different (without wanting to sound disrespectful, and if I do it isn’t intentional, so I apologise if I’ve come off this way. There’s things that have come up in the relationship that I feel have identified this which I haven’t mentioned in this post). Again, I feel like going home and being in my own space, however I live almost eight hours away. We’ve got a band we’re seeing on 14 February and I’m a bit irked as I bought a ticket for the same band, but closer to my house. So I sold it when she bought us tickets up here, which is part of the reason I’m staying.

Again, am I feeling irrational?

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